- Pacha Conservancy Project, For a greener future - Cusco, Peru

  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru
  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru
  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru
  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru



Pacha Conservancy in partnership with undergraduate students of the Faculty of Biology of Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco, has carried out a series of monitoring and evaluation field trips in the Lucumayu Valley. This research is conducted on the grounds of Monterosa and surrounding areas to start the collection of important data in different fields of biology. We also welcome students from all over the world that could share their knowledge and carry out field work at Monterosa.