- Pacha Conservancy Project, For a greener future - Cusco, Peru

  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru
  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru
  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru
  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru


31/07/2013Thanks to Outlook Expeditions we were able to welcome two groups of volunteers that stayed at Pacha grounds for a week, they helped us tremendously during their stay, helping us planting trees, maintenance of our tree nursery, orchid garden, wall construction and more. To enrich their experience our team of biologist shared with them valuable information about the ecology of the Lucumayu Valley, its birds, insects, orchids and more. Other activities included hikes to nearby inca sites, talks about the rich peruvian history by professor Carlos Unda. The magic of Machupicchu awaited for both groups at the ned of their visit to Pacha. Thanks for your visit.