- Pacha Conservancy Project, For a greener future - Cusco, Peru

  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru
  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru
  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru
  • For a greener future - Pacha Conservancy Project - Cusco, Peru



Much of our efforts are spent in restoring the native vegetation of our region. This can be done by letting deforested land go fallow for several years or by planting native species in open areas and adjacent remnant forest. Our goal is to create perpetual sustainable forest in sections that were previously dedicated to different human activities, illegal logging and unsustainable land management practices. In many places destructive slash and burn destroyed the forests, eliminating native flora and fauna, and filling the air with smoke and pollutants. Since 2006, Pacha Conservancy has been planting trees in the Lucumayu Valley.